Thursday, March 29, 2007


(english) - One about Banksy, or, maybe, about the discusions, forums and other topics about Banksy.

(español) - Una sobre Banksy, o mejor dicho, sobre las charlas que se dan en los foros sobre Banksy.


Anonymous said...

Che, genial lo que hacés! te encontré en el wooster y ya marqué tu blog, y dejé otros comentarios.
seguí asi, ya tenés otra admiradora!
La Plata, Bs.As.

Anonymous said...

sup man
saw this on woosters site.

good shout. people argue far to much about bansky, yes hes clever but theres a million other poeple out there doin amazin stuff too.
give bansky a fuckin rest.

safe man keep it up


Anonymous said...

Never thought you were this big. Que gusto me da de verte en wooster. Congrats

Anonymous said...

yeah, because by doing this you don't exactly participate with all of those people who you said you are sick of. You contradicted yourself lovely on the word wide web. Banksy is a phenomenal artist, and a brilliant thinker, it is without a doubt that people will follow his routes, just like any other great artist, this is normal, so don't hate, not even on yourself.

one love


Cam BsAs said...

Thank you all!!!

Zez, when/where did I said I was "sick" of anyone or "hate" anyone? Are you taking your medication?
In all the other stuff you wrote are totally right.

Anonymous said...

missread dude...i appologize...i read it thinking you said "it got me angry"... my fault...i take all of my words back


Aurelia Di said...

vi ese dibujo en remeras de mujer. quería saber si sos el autor del dibujo.
si me contestas en mi blog te agradezco

Anonymous said...

Nice job :)

Cam BsAs said...


pafreak! said...
